Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Voivod Comics (Mockups)

Voivod Comics - FAKE

I'd a lot of fun creating the Manowar Comics (Mockups), so started thinking about what other bands from my record collection would fit the format just as well.

Voivod wasn't my first choice (they were the second), but they were certainly the best one. Quite often the songs are stories in themselves, or part of a larger concept/mythology that's expansive and intriguing. The bands iconography, 'out-there' lyrics and concepts could make for an excellent and unique comic book read.

Covers would, of course, be by Voivod's drummer Away, but if he's too busy with making music to devote to interior art, then perhaps someone like Ian Miller or Dean Ormston would work, both of whom I feel could bring something unique but complementary to the table. 

The images that I found on the internet weren't as high res as the Manowar ones were. Some were full of awful JPEG artifacts, so I went for an 'independent comic, fanzine' approach, leaving some errors and 'jaggies' in place. The result was only partially successful, but it could've been worse. There's a few more below the cut.

NOTE: all of the images used on this page are from existing Voivod artworks by founding member and drummer Away (Michel Langevin). They're used with the utmost respect and no infringement was intended. Check out Worlds Away: Voivod and the Art of Michel Langevin (2009) published by Spider Press to see more of his amazing art.

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