Tuesday 21 July 2020

Manowar Comics (Mockups)

Manowar Comics - FAKE

I’ve been mulling over just how good a Manowar comic book could be. Besides questing for the Crown and Ring it could have Eric and Joey discussing the merits of a wet sword. And there could be a regular Grandfather's Story Time section at the back, like how Alan Moore adds additional world-building with Watchmen and TLoEG.

The comic itself would have to be printed on parchment and held together with staples made from the recycled chains of pleasure slaves. It's good for the environment.

It would be required practice to read it in the tones of Orson Welles, preferably by the light from the north star when winter skies are grey, or, if it's cloudy in England, with a few black candles - but not the supermarket kind whose melt pool smells like a mix of lard and soot.

Decades later it could be re-drawn by older hands and issued with a cover that has Roman Numerals added. But it wouldn't be as good. Most folks would read it only once and then shelve it, preferring the original and best version - in fact, let's call the original printing the only one worth its salt. The past glories endure while the new fads fade.

Until it happens, until the warriors' pleasures are eternally inked, coloured + lettered, I'll settle for some homemade mock-ups using existing official art. There's a few more below the cut.

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