Sunday, 24 December 2023

In Defence of Batgirl in The Killing Joke (2016)

The Thorny Portrayal of Batgirl
in Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)

While I agree that the first 28 minutes of the animated adaptation of Alan Moore's The Killing Joke (1988) are tonally different to what follows, I also feel that it isn't as bad as many reports proclaim it to be. It may even have more in play than it gets credit for, and the gut-reaction of naysayers could, at least partially, be unfair and unwarranted.

With that in mind, I decided to give it a fair crack of the whip and discovered it's not the worst thing the Batman animated universe has shat out - that award goes to Batman and Harley Quinn (2017), from the selection that I've seen, to date. If there's a worse feature than that, I don't want to see it.

In order to properly discuss the story and Batgirl's controversial role in it, I'll need to include spoilers, including revealing the ending. If that wasn't explicit enough, expect UNRESERVED SPOILERS from here on.

Thursday, 26 October 2023

Masters of the Universe Calendar (1986)

MotU Calendar (1986)

Images from the MotU calendar for 1986, in association with Lay's potato chips. Why 1986? No reason other than it's the only one for which I have scans. Without further ado...

Saturday, 14 October 2023

HeroQuest (1989)

Nothing I could say would be as good as The Bard of Bardic Broadcasts said it.
Check it out. (Link opens in a New Tab.)

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

To Lessen is Lesson Two

Things I Have Leaned, or Believe to be True
(self-realisation / in other's words / origins unknown)

Thursday, 15 June 2023

ABANDONED POST: Masters of the Universe: Revelation (2021)

MotU: Revelation (2021)
Dirs. Adam Conarroe / Patrick Stannard | Episodes: 5, approx 25 mins each.

When the news broke that a new Masters of the Universe animated series was on the way, I was intrigued. When it emerged that it wasn't another 'fashionable' reboot, but a direct continuation of the original Filmation 1980s He-Man and the MotU television series, I was genuinely taken aback.

But then I learned it was a Netflix series being overseen by Kevin Smith, so I adjusted expectations accordingly; i.e., I feared the absolute worst. I've not liked Smith's film work and have mixed feelings about his comic work, which tends to be mostly drivel with one or two really great scenes in each issue, at best.

Even though Smith didn't write all of the episodes alone, the new MotU is much the same - mostly drivel with a single great scene in each one. And like the previous Netflix animated series that I watched, Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045, it's only half a story.