Thursday 3 October 2024

Robert Frost: Nothing Gold Can Stay (1923)

Nothing Gold Can Stay (1923)
by Robert Frost | 1923

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Fighting Fantasy Quest Pack (1984)

Fighting Fantasy Quest Pack (1984)

The FFQP was a handy companion for players of the role-playing Fighting Fantasy gamebooks developed by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone in 1982, published by Puffin Books.

Thursday 22 August 2024

The DUNE Font (2023)

A link to a fascinating article titled The Mystery of the Dune Font on the Fonts In Use website. The opening paragraph is copy/pasted below the cut by way of an appetiser (used without permission but with utmost respect), but the full article is worth your time if you're interested in such things. I'm not affiliated with Fonts In Use. I simply liked the article and decided to share it.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Europeans can save gaming! - Petition Info

If you play video games, this might be of interest:

Awareness is the first step. Watch. Decide. Or don't watch. It's up to you.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Ghost[s] in the Shell: Versions (1991—)

There's a lot of Ghost in the Shell content out there. But if you're new to the franchise, what order would you tackle them in? Can you skip any? Would you want to? If I was to gather up all that I own and offer it to a friend who had yet to experience anything GitS related, to avoid too much confusion I'd suggest that he/she approach them in the following order. Links to the relevant media's review page(s) will be included, when available. I fully expect that what follows will get a little complicated for people who aren't major fans (bad pun intended).

Friday 14 June 2024

ABANDONED POST: The Amityville Movies (1979-96)

The Amityville Movies (1979-96)
Dirs. Various

Do the Amityville movies deserve a post? Absolutely not, they're mostly rubbish, horror shite, cliché, garbage, but I did it anyhow because they were already written (for a previous blog), which meant most of the work was simply copy/paste. It's Friday. It's pissing rain outside. And I wanted an easy post.

01. The Amityville Horror (1979), Dir. Stuart Rosenberg, which was reportedly based on true events, is the first of many not-very-good entries in the haunted house franchise.

Newly-weds Lois Lane (Margot Kidder) and a long-lost Gibb brother (James Brolin) occupy 112 Ocean Avenue, a house in which a vicious murder spree once occurred. Before long, their happy life develops a homicidal slant.